Theme of the Month: Under the Sea

Theme of the Month: Under the Sea

This month’s theme is inspired by a video I saw about a project that was happening off the coast of Puerto Rico. Scientists sent down an undersea vehicle with a video camera on it, and scientists all over the world got to see what the vehicle was seeing as it travelled. Amazing and new-to-us sea creatures abounded:

How cool is it that there is a whole world on this planet that is yet to be discovered?

This month we’ll be posting about things under the sea – whether they’re imaginary (someone has already asked me to draw a mermaid) – or real, or that seem like they OUGHT to be imaginary. Email us your stories and pictures or post them on FB for us to share! We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

(From what I can tell from the video, this seems to be part of the NOAA Okeanos Explorer Project – more cool video can be found HERE).



We have definitely been experiencing April showers around here. It’s been exciting seeing all of the plants start popping up, finally believing that SPRING IS HERE!

I mostly think of rainy days as being rather dreary (though I enjoy the dreariness very much, especially when I’m inside and can hear the raindrops falling on the tin roof of our barn). But I remember one time in Alaska (it was mid-summer) I had the amazing experience of standing on the beach up to my elbows in fish slime (as one does when one is a commercial salmon fisherman in Alaska) being in a sunshower. A sunshower is when it is raining but the sun is also shining brightly at the same time. It was amazing – each raindrop was lit up by the sun and it looked like diamonds were falling from the sky.

sun shower

I searched high and low for a video that might capture it, but the closest I came was this one:

It’s much cooler when you can stand in it and look up at the drops falling down on you (a friend who has experimented with trippy things said that if you take a shower with a strobe light on it has a similar effect, but that’s definitely something to set up with adult supervision).

I learned that across the globe, there is a lot of folklore related to sunshowers. In many countries, it has something to do with weddings:

  • In Algeria, Bangladesh, France, Portugal, Japan, Morocco, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and various parts of India they say it’s a fox’s or wolf’s wedding when there’s a sunshower.
  • In Bulgaria, it’s bears getting married.
  • In Greece, it’s the poor getting married.
  • In Kenya, hyenas are getting married.
  • In Korea, it’s a male tiger getting married to a fox.
  • In northern Iran, it’s a jackal getting married.
  • In parts of Pakistan, it’s a one-eyed jackal’s wedding (to get even more specific)
  • In South Africa and Trinidad and Tobago it’s monkeys getting married
  • In Sudan, it’s a donkey getting married to a monkey

In other countries, it has to do with witches:

  • In Catalonia (part of Spain) it’s witches brushing their hair
  • In Poland, it’s a witch making butter
  • In Puerto Rico and The Dominican Republic, it’s a witch getting married

And so I wonder who was getting married, making butter, or brushing their hair in Alaska on that day when I was in a sunshower. I hope it was a monkey getting married to a donkey, because, well, wouldn’t their babies be adorable?

Monkey Donkey

Have you ever imagined what a fox’s wedding might be like? Or a one-eyed jackal’s, for that matter? Draw a picture and email it to us or post it on the Bobbledy Facebook page and you could win a free item of your choice from the Bobbledy Shop!

MoCCAFest 2015

MoCCAFest 2015

On the eve of departure, I write to let you know that Robbi and I will be spending the weekend at the Museum of Comic and Cartoon Arts Festival in New York.


There you will find us from 11-6 on Sunday and Saturday, standing bravely behind our table covered with books, daring people to take note and inspiring (Robbi’s job) them to hand us some money in exchange for a book.

Here are the books in question. A few of them, at least.


We will have a six-foot table at our command and will aim to use the real estate as well as possible.

We have made a few changes this time around:

1) Simplification. In years past, we have lugged along an unholy mountain of stuff—t-shirts and onesies, posters, far too many books, long aluminum poles, various attention-seeking banners. We’re leaving most of it at home this year, opting for a spare and simple presentation. We have convinced ourselves that the decision is born of aesthetic development. But I wonder if, instead, we have just gotten a little too old (read weary) for all the bells and whistles.

2) Children. All three kids have been to MoCCA fest, but only as infants strapped to our bodies. Upon learning to walk, they all have been banned. But this time, for god knows what reason, we have decided to bring Alden and Kato along. It may be the worst mistake we’ve ever made. At the least, it should lead to some bloggable moments.

As a result of these changes, our packing was both easier and harder. We are bringing 4 boxes this year instead of the usual 15.


However, we are bringing two additional suitcases, one pink and one blue with orange accents.


We would love to see you, of course. Here are the details.

548 West 22nd Street, New York, NY 10011
*Note that this is a new location for MoCCA

Saturday and Sunday
April 11, 2015 – April 12, 2015
11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Table 438 on the 4th floor

And here’s the MoCCA website, should you care to see who else is exhibiting and presenting and sponsoring, etc.

Hope to see you there.