Someone has turned 5. To celebrate the occasion, we sent him an unfinished picture. Lucky for us, he did a bit of drawing and sent it back. Lucky for you, we have posted it below.

This someone’s name is Roan, and he has an extraordinary imagination.

Let’s take a close look.


In case you are the sort who doesn’t like reading handwritten words, I will transcribe the caption for you here.

The horse is sunset; one cowboy is making him jump over a log. 

Am I the only one who recognizes the delicious dramatic irony of Roan’s drawing? While most cowboys ride INTO the sunset, these cowboys are riding on top of one. While jumping over a log! Not only is Roan an outstanding illustrator (don’t tell me you’ve seen a finer drawing of the sun today), but he has a flair for verbal wit and a true understanding for the power of the red magic marker.

Consider me very impressed. If Roan can do work like this as a five year old, I can’t wait to see what the next five years will bring.

From all of us at Bobbledy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ROAN!!!