This month’s theme is inspired by a video I saw about a project that was happening off the coast of Puerto Rico. Scientists sent down an undersea vehicle with a video camera on it, and scientists all over the world got to see what the vehicle was seeing as it travelled. Amazing and new-to-us sea creatures abounded:

How cool is it that there is a whole world on this planet that is yet to be discovered?

This month we’ll be posting about things under the sea – whether they’re imaginary (someone has already asked me to draw a mermaid) – or real, or that seem like they OUGHT to be imaginary. Email us your stories and pictures or post them on FB for us to share! We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

(From what I can tell from the video, this seems to be part of the NOAA Okeanos Explorer Project – more cool video can be found HERE).