Well, hello there!
When we were researching volcanos for our theme of the week post on Saturday, I thought we could add a link to a tutorial on how to make your own volcano. I did some very nominal searching but most of the tutorials required that you mix up a bunch of dough and actually make a volcano. Nice idea, but we didn’t really have the time or attention span for it. So – I looked around and decided that we could do a quick and easy version.

Here’s what you need to do:

Get a flowerpot (with a hole in the bottom):

The volcano

and some plastic wrap:

Saran wrap

Add 2 Tablespoons of baking soda to your flowerpot (while covering the hole in the bottom with your finger):

Baking soda

Put the plastic wrap over the flower pot:

Covering up the base

Secure it with a rubber band:

Rubber banding


Look out

Add 8 drops of dish detergent (this will increase the bubbliness of your lava):

A few drops of detergent

Use whatever means necessary to protect yourself from vinegar stink:

Stinky water

Carefully measure out 1 cup of vinegar:

1 cup vinegar

Carefully select food coloring for what color you’d like your lava to be:

Red food coloring

Stir in the food coloring (I would tell you a drop count, but Kato was a bit overzealous. Let’s call the measure “a solid squirt or two”):

Stir it up!

(it occurs to me now that it probably would have been easier to add the detergent to the vinegar instead of to the flower pot. You may now feel free to learn from my mistakes.)

Anyway – onwards. NEXT! Carefully pour the vinegar into the hole in the bottom of your flowerpot (oh, but only after putting your flower pot onto some sort of plate or dish that will contain the impending lava flow):

Pour carefully

Be delighted that your volcano worked! Even though in the photo the lava looks white (it was much redder in real life!):

Thar she blows!

(By “much redder” than white we mean “pink”):
Lava flow!

And we discovered the one gigantic plus-side to our method over the other construct-an-elaborate-mountain-out-of-dough-or-paper-maché methods: you can make your volcano really shoot out the lava by tapping the plastic wrap on the bottom like a drum. Sure, it’s not as realistic as a paper maché volcano, but WHEEEEEEEEEEE!:

Massive eruption!

Of course, there is a down-side to our method as well. If you happen to have any cuts or scrapes or hangnails or bugbites on your hands, you probably shouldn’t try out the drumming method. Getting vinegar in under your skin stings like crazy. Just ask Kato:


And then, of course, the other downside to shooting vinegar all over the room is that the room then smells like vinegar for the next 4 days.

So that’s it. If you want to make a quick and easy volcano, that’s how to do it. If you don’t have any extra flower pots lying around, you could also use a simple plastic cup with a hole cut in the bottom. Or pretty much anything with a hole in it – even just a bottle or a mug.

So go to it! Have fun! And if you have any great photos (or make any great discoveries) feel free to share them with us in the comments section below!