Hello all! Father’s Day is coming up soon, and as usual, we are planning a super-great surprise awesome thanks-for-you-you-are-the-best party for Matthew!

Just kidding. We usually completely forget Father’s Day, because, of course, I am supposed to be the one in charge of remembering. But this year I am ON THE BALL. No, really. I have the perfect Father’s Day craft project for you!

Golf Balls for Dad

So, I thought it would be fun to get a box of golf balls and have the kids decorate them. You know, because golf balls are so plain and white and otherwise not particularly interesting (though I once learned in a heated game of Trivial Pursuit that the average golf ball has 336 dimples. And not Shirley Temple, which was my wrong, albeit much more inspired, answer).

We got our box of golf balls (the kids won a coupon at Olympia Sports for running in the Sneaker Creeper) and our sharpies and set to work.

And immediately ran into problem #1:

Dropping the Ball

Holding onto those suckers! Not ten seconds in, we had already lost two balls under the couch and had to hunt for another that bounced across the room.

August tried his hardest not to be distracted by the sound of retreating golf balls.


I guess we must have gotten those fancy long-distance balls.

Anyway. Once we got ourselves back in order and corralled the balls in a box with our pens, we set to work. Alden is a fan of multi-colored flower and heart creations:

Alden's Flowers and Hearts

while Kato is a virtuoso of the minimalist, flood-your-canvas-with-color-(preferably orange) variety:

Kato likes orange

August has yet to fully develop his style, which isn’t to say he hasn’t put some really thoughtful, focused and intense effort into his mark-making:

August focused

I am particularly fond of Alden’s “Hands Across the Golf Ball” piece:


That kid is so kumbaya, it slays me.

Soon enough, the balls were done (golf balls make a pretty manageable canvas):

Golf balls

While rooting around looking for wrapping paper (turns out snowmen and santa claus is all we’ve got) I discovered the perfect solution: coffee filters! Seeing as Matthew gave up coffee almost a year ago now, we still have a full pack of those suckers around and don’t have much to do with them.

We decorated them first:

Decorating first

And then added the finishing touches after they were all tied up:

Final decorations

We made a couple of very important discoveries that I will share with you:

1. It’s better if you use two coffee filters. Then you can’t see your golf ball through them, and you can decorate each coffee filter differently and it makes the little crepe flower at the top more interesting.

2. Coffee filters make great hats:

Coffee filter hats

and, of course:

3. Hat shenanigans with your brother is hilarious:

Hat shenanigans

And so, when we finally finished, we had some cute and festive little gifts for Father’s Day.


Of course, I neglected to mention the very important 4th item that we discovered – or should I say, remembered? And that is:

4. Matthew doesn’t play golf.

Alas. Matthew isn’t the manly sort who likes to go out and strike balls with clubs with impunity. Nope. Not even a little bit. So, as great as this little craft project is to do, you likely want to do it for someone who actually plays golf. So, we packed up these balls to send to Matthew’s dad, who is very much the manly sort who likes golf.

As for Matthew, I guess this means we’ll have to get to planning that super-great surprise awesome thanks-for-you-you-are-the-best party after all. Unless, of course, I forget about Father’s Day again before we can do it.

**Wait, what were we talking about?**