Today I have the distinct pleasure of sharing with you a drawing and story by Bobbledy Club member Julie, who recently had a birthday.

You know how when you go to a museum and there are a bunch of plaques next to the paintings that tell you way too much about the paintings and you wish the plaques would just leave you alone and let you look at the painting and decide for yourself how you want to feel about it?

Keeping that in mind, I am going to let Julie’s amazing story/drawing combo speak for itself.

Fiesta!You know how, after you leave the museum and you can’t get a particularly compelling piece of art out of your head and so you go to the internet and google “MIND BLOWN” to try to learn more about it?

Well that’s what I just did, and here’s what the leading art historians/literary critics have to say about Julie’s work “Fiesta.”

“This delightful illustrated panel (circa late winter 2015) evokes a pleasing blend of paleolithic cave painting and early 20th Century Dadaist poetry. The “crown in the flood” is a metaphor for the threadbare trappings of post-consumer ennui. Fiesta, in her sprightly vigor, represents the hope of a new generation, laughing at the tragic debris of her forbears. Gamely, she evades the “flood,” and cantersĀ on to forge a better tomorrow on the other side of the troubled, bloated waters.”

Indeed! I could not have said it better myself.

Thank you, Julie, for sharing your impressive work (and utopian vision) with us.

VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY from all of us at Bobbledy Books!