We recently received Conrad’s completed hot air balloon birthday card! Happy Birthday (again) Conrad!

Happy Birthday Conrad!

His birthday card came with a detailed explanation with what is actually going on (helpful, Mom, thank you!). Conrad’s mom writes:

I was in the balloon named “COCO” and I was racing to the finish line (see the black Stonehenge type shape and two balloons in black? That’s the finish line and balloons at the finish line). I am racing with Daddy and Beckett in one balloon and Lola (who REALLY wants to win) in another. We have to go over the black mountains and along the crazy green path to get there.

Though it seems at first that I am last, evidently I win. Go me!

Conrad has evidently gotten old enough (and wise enough) now to know which side his bread is buttered on, which is really just a fancy way of saying it’s always good to have your mom come in first place if she’s the one who is writing down your story for you. Even better if she thinks it’s because of something she did (note the “Go me!” editorializing at the end there? Classic move, Conrad, classic move).

Thanks so much for sharing your birthday card with us, Conrad. Here’s to a great year ahead!