Once again we have failed to give you much notice, but hopefully you are reading this in time to come join Robbi and me tomorrow morning at 11:00am, when we will be reading from our Bobbledy Books titles at Book Plate on Cross Street in Chestertown.

The reading is part of the Chestertown Book Festival, and we will be part of a mini-lineup of local children’s book authors and illustrators. The other half of the lineup is our friend, the artist Mary Dunn Ramsay, who has illustrated more than a few children’s books in her day. Marcy’s reading begins at 10:00am, also at Book Plate.

So if you have time, come join us for the entire lineup.

For our part, we plan to talk a bit about what writers and illustrators do, how Robbi and I work together, and how nice it is to wear pajamas and slippers all day long. We’ll also read The Girl With Frogs in Her Ears, Archipelago, and The Imaginary Dragon. That is, as long as the kids don’t start throwing tomatoes halfway through. If that happens, we will stop reading and start throwing tomatoes back at them. Which might be more fun, arguably.

So please, please come see us tomorrow. And if you are the book-loving sort, be sure to check out all of the other authors and events on the slate for this year’s Festival.