Spencer for Hire

Spencer for Hire

We are back! After a long trip to Boston and back with a few days of standing around in a room full of books and people, we have returned to our roost in the barn. The book show in Boston was a success. We had all of our Bobbledy Books set up nicely on a table next to this very fine banner:

Bobbledy Banner

Those of you who have been paying attention might notice that this is not the big bright banner that Matthew mentioned here a couple days ago. Clever you. We actually have two banners, which go back-to-back. I also designed this one at the last possible minute in a frenzy while simultaneously searching for banner printers online and banner stands that could collapse down easily for transport but would not collapse easily once there were banners on them at one in the morning while Matthew printed and stapled books to bring with us. As such, we were quite happy with how they turned out (no spelling errors! Not upside-down! Not in black and white or just brown!).

We brought our newest Bobbledy Book with us (hot-off-the-presses!). It’s called “Archipelago” and it’s all about words, so we thought it would be a hot item among the literary set (the book fair was sponsored by the Association of Writers and Writing Programs).


Well, it turns out we had it all wrong. The literary set wasn’t interest in a book about words. They were rabid for Spencer’s version of “Gorillas in the Kitchen”!

Spencer’s book outsold ours practically 2 to 1! We even had a few kids come back to read it several times over the course of the show.

Reading Spencer's Gorillas

Though we’re tempted to, we won’t give up! Someday we hope our books will be as well-received as Spencer’s. In the meantime, we are super proud to be the publishers of this awesome book.

Spencer's Gorillas

Thank you, Spencer!

Big Bright Bobbledy Banner

Big Bright Bobbledy Banner

Hello, everyone!

We are in Boston this week at a big gathering of people who love books. Robbi and I have a booth in a huge room full of other booths, and in our booth is every single Bobbledy Book in the world.

Just look.

We’re hoping to find a bunch of new kids who want to be in the Bobbledy club. We’re especially excited to share our newest book, Archipelago, which is all about words. Bobbledy club members will get their copies in the mail around April 1.

The thing I’m most excited about is our brand new banner, which Robbi designed specifically for this show.

It’s big and it’s red and it makes for a good hiding place.

As you read this, we are probably standing in our booth, making new friends, selling books, and trying to find new people who want to be in the club.

We’ll let you know how it goes.


Bobbledy on the Spy

Bobbledy on the Spy

One of the reasons we love living in a small town is that people get excited about things that would be overlooked in a big town. When our community marching band is practicing on High Street, people come out of their houses to listen and watch. When there are artists showing their stuff in the park, people show up and see what’s going on.

Such is the case with Bobbledy Books. We started a new venture, and our local online paper wrote this nice article about it.

For those of you who like to plan ahead, we’re going to have the first official Bobbledy Books event at Bookplate on December 7. It will be a reading of our first few books, a bit of discussion about what we think we’re up to, and a chance for kids to ask questions about how we write, draw, and make books. We’re hoping to get a bunch of real, live kids there, so if you know any kids or parents, please spread the word. We’re not exactly sure of the timing, but it will probably be in the 5:00 – 6:00 range.

More details will be posted as they are revealed, but we’d love to see you there. And we’re guessing that there will be cake.